| ZeroFill now works fine with Binari, Oct and Hex Modes
Some MP3 TAGs didn't read correctly, corrected! (Reported by Dawid Wróbel)
Added new TAGs for Manual Numbering
\N, is the current number given by the autonumber settings.
\ND, is the current number in Decimal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings.
\NH, is the current number in Hexadecimal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings.
\NB, is the current number in Binary format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings.
\NO, is the current number in Octal format and ZeroFill given by the autonumber settings.
if you want to specify another ZeroFill you must write just the number after the expression
Example: \NB12 will write the number in Binary mode and with 12 ZeroFills.
Maximum ZeroFill alowed is 64
Now Also, Excel Mode (A,B,C...Z, AA,AB,AC...AZ, BA,BB..BZ,AAA,AAB...AAZ)
\NE, will write the current number in Excel Mode
Also, Excel Mode with the chars you specify in the Manual TextBox in Autonumbering Options, 'ABCD' ...
\NEM, will write the current number in Excel Mode with the chars from Manual in Autonumbering
For Example, if you write in the Manual Textbox in Autonumber 'ABCD',
and you write \NEM the program will count: A,B,C,D,AA,AB,AC,AD,BA,BB,BC...
if you write in the Manual Textbox in Autonumber 'MNO',
and you write \NEM the program will count: M,N,O,MM,MN,MO,NM,NN,NO,OM,ON,OO,MMM,MMN,MMO...
Remember: The modes \NE and \NEM doesn't work with ZeroFill.
Now Support any base for numbering:
If you write 'A' and a number or letter after the '\N' you can specify any base number, for example:
\NA, is the current number given by the autonumber settings.
\NA2, will write the current number in base 2 (Binary)
\NA3, will write the current number in base 3
\NA8, will write the current number in base 8 (Octal)
\NA0, will write the current number in base 10 (Decimal)
\NAA, will write the current number in base A (11) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A)
\NAB, will write the current number in base B (12) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B)
\NAC, will write the current number in base C (13) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C)
\NAF, will write the current number in base 16 (Hexadecimal) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,A,B..,F,10)
You can use values from 2 to Z, and after then you can also use the ZeroFill Value
Example: \NA74 will write the current number in base 7 and will write 4 zeros at the left of the number
Added More TAGs for the use of the columns:
\1, Column 1 Added 'N', to write only the Filename without extension.
Example 1: \1 will write the filename with it's extension
Example 2: \1N will write the filename without the extension
\3, Column 3
Added 'M' or 'K' to write the size in Megabytes or in Kilobytes.
Added 'Z', to write the number only if the size is greater than 0
Added ',' or '.' to format the size in miles.
Example 1: \3K will write the size in Kbytes.
Example 2: \3KZ will write the size in Kbytes only if the size is greater than 0 bytes.
Example 3: \3KZ, will write the size in Kbytes only if the size is greater than 0 bytes and formatted with ',' for example 1,500,302
Order: First you must use the chars 'M' or 'K' (Optional)
After that you can use the char 'Z' (Optional)
And therefore you can use ',' or '.' to format the size in thousands.
Example with a file with size: 544209049
Example 1: \3 will write the size of the filename: 544209049
Example 2: \3M will write the size of the filename in Mb: 518
Example 3: \3K will write the size of the filename in Kb: 513454
Example 4: \3K, will write the size of the filename in Kb and formatted: 513,454
Example 5: \3K. will write the size of the filename in Kb and formatted: 513.454
Example 6: \3KZ, will write the size of the filename in Kb only if size is <> 0 and formatted: 513,454
Example 7: \3Z will write the size of the filename if size <> 0, else will write nothing: 544209049